How much effort do you make for the school run? Take part in my poll.

And as for me…..

On a bad morning, at the school gates I look at the parents’ harrassed faces. As they shoo their children through the gates, trying not to trip over the dog’s lead, bash someone with their buggy and stop their toddler doing scooter stunts off the classroom steps, I take comfort.  They look like they’ve had a hellish morning too.

Morning starts so far this year have been hard work for us. Even the twinlings are sleeping in. And once up, they’re refusing to put on underwear, or have their hair brushed unless I can brush out the curls.

I recently read a magazine article advising mothers, when things got really bad in the mornings, to take time out to indulge in some breathing exercises. I laughed when I read it. How could delaying myself even further possibly make me calmer?

The second piece of advice in the article was to get up 15 minutes earlier. This made sense, a totally logical thing to do, to give me more time and be calmer in the mornings. Just get up 15 minutes earlier. I laughed at this advice too. It will never happen.

The magazine overlooked one obvious solution; compromise on my grooming – skip the hair wash, don’t bother about the make-up – and it earns me a fabulous 15 minutes extra time in bed. OK, so that’s not how it’s supposed to work I know, it should mean 15 minutes extra time to get ready, calmly, but I love my bed, what can I say.

So while I’ve been doing the January thing of  swapping green & blacks for green leaf vegetables, my appearance standards are slipping. I do work from home, often the only people I see are school runners and at this time of year I’m usually wearing my hood or hat.

SJP on school run

No, this isn't me on the school run. Yes, I wear a hat and boots, but sadly that's where the similarities end

But I do still have standards I can’t fall below. The make-up doesn’t make it on most days, but I really can’t leave the house without mascara. I have a comfy pair of walking shoes or heeled boots and most days, not all mind, I will opt for the boots. It’s made me wonder about the other school runners, some look so well groomed they must be pinging out of bed at 6:30am, others I suspect have their PJs under their clothes! Not that I’m criticising, because the only people these things should matter to are ourselves, we set out own standards. For me at least, I’ve given my acceptable levels a fully approved downgrade.


Filed under School run

4 responses to “How much effort do you make for the school run? Take part in my poll.

  1. I would love to be one of those well-groomed women in their fashionable clothes and stylish boots, but sadly, I turn up to the school gates to pick up my boys in my work clothes looking & feeling mega stressed from either the day at work or from negotiating the school run traffic. Then I remind myself about what’s more important: and for me it’s being there to see the lovely smiles on my children’s faces when they come running up to me at the end of the day 🙂

  2. So funny! I forgo all those things for the extra minutes in bed. I’m lucky that my son’s nursery are very flexible about the drop off time – I’m dreading having to actually get ready for the school gates. You give me hope that I’m not alone – though I don’t even go as far as to wear mascara.

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